Career Training

When you grow, we grow. 

As our HR Director always says, ‘We would rather invest in training an employee that ends up moving on, than not training and developing those that stay with us.’  We want you to learn and grow because when you grow, we grow. It’s a win-win.

To support this belief we offer clearly defined performance goals with generously matched incentives. We partner with the organizations like the Virginia Bankers AssociationAmerican Bankers Association, Center for Creative Leadership, LSU Graduate School of Banking, and various other organizations and conferences throughout the year to provide advanced opportunities that are specific to the banking industry.

We LOVE to share information, so internally, we also offer internships in the spring. We hire for a Management Trainee position in late fall/early winter each year. We even created our own ‘CFS Certified’ program as a precursor to other leadership development training for those who are interested in learning more about the other departments and advancing within our organization.

In addition to your salary, the following benefits are also available options.

Mentoring Program

Our mentor program pairs new staff with senior managers

Performance Goals

Generous incentives are matched to performance goals

Professional Guidance

Chart a career path with our professional tools and guidance

Training for Advancement

Prepare for advancement with classes and courses

But, we don’t stop there...

Your success is important to you. So, it should be important to us. We encourage suggestions around training that you feel are important for your development. In fact, much of your ‘career plan’ comes from your input and discussions with your supervisors. You’ll have an annual review once a year with scheduled coaching sessions two other times throughout the year to make sure that you are on track. Our goal is continuous feedback so you know what is expected and how you are doing!

Chesapeake Financial Share Group Picture

Corporate Training Day 2018

We also meet corporately several times a year with our CEO providing industry and corporate updates. During this time we learn how we’re doing compared to other banks and compared to our own goals.

As you can tell, we take training and development very seriously - we know it’s important to our success, but we also recognize it’s extremely important to your individual success.

Together we'll develop a plan that is just right for you and then we'll celebrate your achievements!