Increase protection over fraud with Positive Pay

ACH Positive Pay

ACH Positive Pay is a proactive tool to deter ACH fraud. It gives your business the option to allow or disallow automated credits and/or debits to your account. You can also set criteria for specific merchants.

Any ACH item that meets the criteria you have set is considered to be potentially fraudulent and is sent to you for examination. You can decide to pay or return the item. ACH Positive Pay can effectively help your business from becoming a victim of ACH fraud.


  • Don’t wait for the monthly statements to find out whether fraud has occurred
  • Detect suspicious ACH activity daily
  • Reduce the risk of financial loss
  • Safeguard the company’s reputation

How it Works:

  • Customer sets the criteria for ACH items
    • Allow/Disallow ACH credits and/or debits
    • Allow/Disallow ACH items from a specific merchant(s)
  • When an item attempts to post to the account that meets the criteria the customer has set for the account an Exception Report is generated.
  • The bank (system) generates the Exception Report and it is sent to the customer after night processing
  • The customer decides to pay or return each ACH item through Business Online the next day

Check Positive Pay

Check Positive Pay is a proactive tool to deter check fraud. It is used to match the checks a company issues with those posting for payment. Once an item is identified the company can decide to pay or return the item.

Any check considered to be potentially fraudulent is sent back to the issuer for examination. Check Positive Pay can very effectively help the business from becoming a victim of check fraud.


  • Customer doesn’t have to wait for the monthly statements to find out whether fraud has occurred
  • Detect suspicious check activity daily
  • Reduce the risk of financial loss
  • Safeguard the company’s reputation

How it Works:

  • Customer uploads a file through Business Online of all checks that are being disbursed
  • The bank (system) verifies the checks in the file to the checks posting to the account
  • The bank (system) generates an Exceptions Report which is sent to the customer after night processing
  • The customer decides to pay or return each check through Business Online the next day